Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just checking
Alot has happened since my last post sooooo long ago. Since then we have had another baby...a girl named Sarah Claire. She was a huge surprise and au naturel even! She was born October 24, 2009 at 31 weeks due to a 3rd placental abruption. She is 6 months old now and a doll!! She is right on track for her chronological age, not her adjusted age and is just amazing. I think one of the things Brody has taught me is the wonder that is a child. I thought that I knew before....
.....appreciated it all.....
....but everything that she does just captivates me like I have never experienced it before in my life. I raised two perfectly typical children before B and don't think I ever appreciated it fully. But I guess it takes having a child that has never taken anything more than tastes by mouth to really make you sob the first time you feed a newborn.
She really is exactly what I needed.
I had started to think that things would never be good again. B has so many problems and the two bigger kids were being worn down by all that is B. Sarah brought sunshine back into our lives and I love my little Peanut for it!